Subset of the dataset aboutthe Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program
A dataset about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program containing 330106 observations
A data frame with 330106 rows and 18 columns:
- inschool
High school attendance (In School)
- hs
High school graduation (HS Degree)
- scol
Some College
- post
Post treatment period: a dummy variable that equals 1 on or after 2012
- elig
Eligible for treatment: is equal to one for individuals in the sample who arrived in the US by age 10 and by year 2007, and who are currently not citizens.
- fem
- race
- var.bpl
Birth region (Birthplace)
- state
- year
- age
- yrimmig
Year of immigration
- ageimmig
Age of immigration
- a1418
Equals 1 if age between 14 and 18
- a1922
Equals 1 if age between 19 and 22
- a2330
Equals 1 if age between 23 and 30
- htus
High take-up
- perwt
Person weight